Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Episode 1.

I AM SO EXCITED!!! I feel like this is going to be the best BB in 12 years I just know it. First of all, I don't really know who Sonia Kruger is or what she does but I wish her all the best as this year's host and I hope she also knows that she'll never take the BB crown from Gretel (who should host every show ever in my opinion! #whereareyougretel?).

So the episode started really strongly with a montage of all the other (shittier) countries BBs and then a we got to hear this year's Big Brother for the first time. He sounds kind of nice and a little bit chilled out compared to the older ones and he even talked about twitter for a little bit, CAN YOU SAY RELEVANT MUCH!? But don't get comfortable housemates, BB will still throw the smackdown when he needs to which will hopefully be all the time!

Then for some reason Sonia did a dance routine at the start which kind of pissed me off a little bit cos it shows that she's probably gonna be a bit of an attention seeker because she hasn't accomplished much else aside from hosting the greatest show in the world's history.

After Sonia's dance (awkward!) she started talking about the new season and blah blah blah and then she was about to show what the new house looked like when the actual BIG BROTHER interrupted her! He was all "Sonia shut up you were about to reveal the first twist!" I loved how she got busted but honestly what was she thinking showing everyone the twist in the first five minutes (#comebackgretel!). I got shivers when I heard BIG BROTHER live and wished that I could've been at the live show. I would have made a huge banner that said GET LOST SONIA or I ALREADY KNOW THE TWIST or something like that because I actually already know it thanks to some insider information. I'll tell you guys at the end of this post if you really wanna know! Oh and also Tracy Grimshaw popped up on the live twitter thingy saying something like 'great entrance Sonia!' but of course she liked it because she likes boring stuff like being on the morning show lol.

And then came my favourite part of every BB ever, THE INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW HOUSEMATES!! I was so excited that I had to run to the bathroom.

Mikkayla: OMG ASIAN ALERT! I wasn't even surprised because BB is a multicultural show and there's always one or two Asians in there and I think they add something special in their own little way. Mikkayla is an English teacher and she made a joke about how it's weird that she's Asian but teaches English but I think it doesn't matter where you come from because English is the language of the world. :)
Mikkayla totally won my heart when she listed my exact lunch that day! Uhhh, read minds much!?

Eviction Preditcion: First week. (Or tenth week if all the Asians in Australia vote for her!)

Sharon: Total classic mum type who wears glasses and is really, really spontaneous (she said it about twenty times!). Apparently she exercises for FUN though....who the heck exercises at all!? lol I can totally see Sharon being the boring motherly type who gives everyone advice but would get kicked out at the drop of a hat by the more strategic housemates.

Eviction prediction: First or second week but I'd like to see her win cos she's adorable!

Tim: I HATE this guy already. He thinks he's so cool like "ooohhh look at me Im from Sydney and I don't care about my hair and i'm on the radio" like omg who cares. He seems really bitchy as well and will probably use his fake intellect to make the girls feel stupid.

Eviction Prediction: I hope he gets voted out on the first day for all I care! BOOOOOOO.

Ed: CALL THE FIRE ALARM WE GOT A HOT ONE HERE! LOL. Holy crap Ed is perfect and when he said he cried when he couldn't play football anymore I went through about 80 boxes of Kleenex. Imagine if you couldn't play football anymore! :'(

Eviction Prediction: All the way baby! Or week 5 when the housemates see him as a hot threat.

Tahan: BBBIIIIIITTTCCCHHH!! But thats ok cos every BB needs one. I hate when people say things like "I'm totally outspoken but Im not a bitch but I can kill people with my words" lol make up your mind bitch! Also, way to pretend you cared when you got punished for going in the spa (attention seek much!?) by having to wear your bikini around for the next 24 hours as if you wouldnt do that for the whole series anyway BITCH! It sucks that people like this get through the auditions cos it's not like they don't get enough attention from idiot guys that like bitches already. Big Brother isn't about bitches it's about human interaction and intelligent conversation! Go back to Home and Away or something!

BEN: OMGOMGOMG!! BEN IS THE CUTEST CHARACTER IN BIG BROTHER HISTORYYYY!!! He's not even real he's like a little magical fairy that collects pyjamas and buys antiques and spreads joy everywhere including the living room. He is so cute that all my wages for the next six months are going to voting for him all the way to the end, I love him THAT much. I hope you're reading this Ben im going to eat Mi Goreng and crackers forever for you and your so much better than all these other fake buttlickers on BB this year except for ED and sometimes SHARON. 


Heidi, Tully, Jasmin, Caleb, Xavier, Matthew: None of these guys did anything that stood out to me and I'm pretty sure Big Brother is using them as filler housemates to encourage the important housemates to do crazy things like jumping on the bed and swearing and impromptu dances like all the crazy housemates have done in the past. BIG BROTHER IS GOING TO BE INSANE THIS YEAR!!

**Oh and the moment you've all been waiting for! The big secret is that there's going to be a married couple that aren't actually married in real life but actually will be on the show when they both rock up together! WTF ARE YOU THINKING BIG BROTHER YOU'VE LOST IT BUT IN A GOOD WAY!!**

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